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H&K Group Employees

As H&K Group, Inc. (H&K) has continued on a mission of steady, measured growth over the last half-century, our company has been able to maintain a unique perspective on our operations, our employees, and our position in society. As a large, successful, and privately-owned and operated company, we have been able to steer H&K with head, heart, soul, fortitude, and precision without the influence of outside forces. This commitment and focus have enabled H&K to grow while staying competitive, all while remaining ever aware of our mission, our employees, our communities, and our impact on this precious planet.

Realizing our responsibilities as an employer has blessed us with an extremely loyal workforce that presently totals 1,900 employees in four states. Providing every single member of our employee family with a profitable, safe, and dafabet casino challenging work environment has been one of the tenets of H&K for over 50 years. Further, remaining focused on and fully engaged with our employees throughout our history has fostered one of the most highly qualified and motivated workforces in our industry. 




H&K Group Employees
  • An unwavering commitment to employee health and safety.
  • An equal opportunity workplace free from discrimination or harassment.
  • A workplace that is committed to diversity in our hiring practices.
  • An ethically inspiring workplace where every single member of our employee family is free to perform their work in accordance with the common good of society and natural law.
  • A workplace where all employees are given the resources and training they need to perform their work to the very best of their abilities.
  • A place that each and every employee may work, learn and grow both personally and professionally in pursuit of high and better opportunities at H&K.
  • A place of work that provides both comprehensive and competitive benefits that will support our dafabet app login employees and their families.


dafabet casino